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Trending Photography News and Reviews

Which Fujifilm X-Series Camera Should You Buy?

There was a time when you had a few options when buying a camera of a particular brand. That's rarely the case anymore and you can find yourself lost in a sea of acronyms and initialisms.

Understanding Fine Art Photography With Leigh Schneider

As photographers, we often find ourselves at exciting places such as concerts, parties, and sporting events. Many photographers spend hours of their day working with other people. It is common to see photographers interacting with people and asking the people they are photographing to move a bit to the left or to position their hands differently. On the surface, it might seem that photographers are extroverts who love being out and about.

Why Photographers Struggle to Find Their Style

We work a lot on learning how to create good images, but most of that work focuses on a single photo at a time. But the mark of a successful photographer is a readily identifiable style that unifies all their work as one. So, why do so many photographers struggle to develop a style? This excellent video dives into the topic and offers some helpful advice along the way.

A Review of the Light and Portable Sigma 17mm f/4 DG DN Contemporary Lens

The Sigma 17mm f/4 DG DN Contemporary lens brings with it the promise of excellent sharpness at a useful focal length and in a very small and portable package, making it ideal for genres like landscape and architectural photography. This excellent video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

Will We Finally See Sigma Lenses for Canon RF Mount?

Canon has clamped down tightly on the RF mount, disallowing essentially any third-party lenses with autofocus. This has been to the dismay of many photographers who embraced lenses from companies like Sigma and Tamron, which often offered options that were either cheaper or simply not available from Canon itself. At least one company is still highly interested in the RF mount, as recently confirmed by Sigma's CEO, Kazuto Yamaki.

A Look at Canon's Seven Craziest Lenses

Canon has a long history of producing some of the most interesting and extreme lens designs out there, and they can be a blast to look back on and even use today if you can track them down. This fun video takes a look at the company's seven most extreme designs, ranging from an insane 5200mm f/14 lens from the 1960s to one of the most useful options on the market today.

13 Helpful Tips for Taking Better Smartphone Photos

Smartphones have built-in cameras that are more powerful than ever, and most of us have one in our pocket just about everywhere we go. And as the classic saying goes: "the best camera is the one that you have with you." So, what can you do to get the most from your smartphone's camera? This excellent video tutorial features 13 tips sure to help you maximize your results.

The Powerful AI Tools Photographers Must Not Ignore in 2023

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from editing photos to writing text, to generating "photos" out of thin air. This technology is going to revolutionize every facet of the world, and photographers need to be ahead of the curve or risk being left behind permanently.

Is This the Perfect Camera Backpack for Hiking and Travel?

About two years ago, my long search for a new camera backpack ended as I stumbled upon a company called NYA-EVO. In this article, I review their biggest backpack, the Fjord 60-C. After two years of heavy use for traveling and hiking, I feel competent enough to share why I think it's the perfect camera backpack.

How to Use a Wide Angle Lens for Landscape Photography

Wide angle lenses are the tool of choice of countless landscape photographers, but they can be particularly tricky to work with, especially when it comes to composition. If you are new to landscape photography and hoping to improve, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you how to use a wide angle lens for creating effective and compelling landscape images.

How to Properly Back Up Your Photos and Avoid Disaster

One of the most important habits every photographer or filmmaker should develop is a strong backup strategy that guarantees the safety of your files in the event of a hard drive failure or natural disaster. If you have not created yours yet, check out this helpful video tutorial that will show you how to properly ensure the safety of all your files.

Level Up Your Video Creativity With This New Website

Video is now king, and all us still photographers better get on board if we hope to survive. That's what I've been told, anyway. Making the leap into video can be daunting, though, and so, a new website hopes to make that process just a little easier.

Here Comes the New Canon Full Frame Mirrorless Camera

Canon has done quite well in rounding out its full frame mirrorless camera lineup, offering models like the ultra-affordable EOS RP, the do-everything EOS R5, and the top-shelf EOS R3, with a few other models spread in between. Now that the line is well established, the time to start replacing older models is just about here, and that will begin in just a few months.

How to Find and Photograph Small Details in Landscape Photography

When we think of landscape photography, our minds are commonly drawn towards wide angle images of vast expanses, and while those can make for some jaw-dropping images, they are not the only compelling photos you can make. Looking for the smaller details can open up an entirely new world, and this helpful video tutorial will show you how to do just that.

Is This the Best Low-Cost Full Frame Mirrorless Camera?

The Canon EOS R8 full frame mirrorless camera is one of the more affordable options out there, but it is not so cheap that it does not come with many of the features professionals need. The EOS R8 sits in an intriguing position, offering a nice balance of capabilities and price, and this excellent video review takes a look at the features and performance you can expect from it in practice.

One Photographer's Thoughts After Four Years With the Leica M System

Perhaps no camera system is more iconic and more polarizing than the Leica M system. While some see it as an overly extravagant status symbol for wealthy people, others absolutely swear by both the experience it offers and the images it produces. So, who is the system really for? This fantastic video review features one photographer sharing his thoughts after four years of using Leica M cameras and lenses.

How to Take Long Exposure Landscape Photos

One of the most popular techniques in landscape photography is the long exposure, which allows you to really add your creative take on a scene. However, it takes more than just using a longer shutter speed to create a compelling final result. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to create a long exposure photograph.

A Review of the New Fujifilm X-S20 Mirrorless Camera

The latest camera in Fujifilm's highly respected X Series line of mirrorless cameras, the X-S20, is here, and it brings with it some great features at a reasonable price, making it an appealing option for many photographers and filmmakers alike. This great video review takes a look at the new camera and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

New Panoramic 35mm Camera from Jeff Bridges and SilvergrainClassics in the Works

I'm a sucker for panoramic cameras. Over the last decade, I've shot on my share, having spent more than I should have on a collection of various bodies. They've followed me to space shuttle launches, riots, out the back of aircraft, and to the White House. But as the world shifted to digital, the number of functional panoramic film cameras out there in the wild has dwindled, driving the prices through the roof.

Are Prime or Zoom Lenses Better for Portrait Photography?

One of the most fundamental choices you can make is whether to use a prime or a zoom lens. For portraiture, there are benefits and drawbacks to each option. If you are new to portrait photography and wondering which is right for you, check out this great video tutorial that will show you the pros and cons of both to help you make the right choice.

How to Pose and Light a Group Portrait With Just One Speedlight

Lighting a group of people can be particularly tricky for new photographers, but it does not have to be, nor does it take a lot of expensive gear. In fact, it can be done with just a speedlight and a bit of know-how. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced photographer showing you how to pose and light a group portrait using just a single speedlight.