July challenge - finding the unexpected

This month's challenge for those up to it is the unexpected. This can come from a planned shoot turning a different...

New works

Since influenced by Eric Mencher I have set myself a project of capturing shots on my iPhone whenever I go on walks etc...

the influence of Eric Mencher

I have very recently come across the work of Eric Mencher, and artist who has caused me to revisit and evaluate work...

The Importance of background - July challenge - finding the unexpected

Only after getting back and reviewing the photos did the image on the mural that mimics real-life, became obvious ....

Durham Bulls Athletic Park

Home of the Durham Bulls. Aerial panorama of the stadium and surrounding areas of downtown Durham. This was my first...

The unexpected - Psalm 1 verse 3

My experiences with over-convinced evangelical Ladies & Sirs triggered this idea of an photograph. Long exposure at...

Light and texture

Sitting around a Colorado Rockies campsite when I noticed the beautiful sunset lighting on the ground. Not much great...

Book and Pen

Minimalistic, Abstract

Green Flash

After many years of trying I finally captured the rare Green Flash at the Oregon Coast on camera. I have seen the Green...

Budapest murals

While touring the city, I decided to take a parallel side street from one sight to another and discovered this mural...

Hunting Rabbits

On this morning walk with my wife I brought my camera (R5) with my 100-500, Mode set to Fv, Auto Focus set for Subject...

Telling a Story Challenge

When I downloaded the original photos I put my Testing Folder and sub-folder Throwaway. Actually the photo bothered me...

Engagement reminder

Just a timely reminder that we need engagement from users to keep the group active. Not only do we need posts from time...

June challenge - telling the story

This month's revolves around images that contain a story, whether that be within the image itself or the background...

Cars and Photo Review

I got word today that the 2023 "Photo Review" Competition Web Galleries has gone live with one of my images. This is...


I had to try it again. There were two take-aways from today's attempt. 1) It is difficult to line up a single point...

Marina Bay Laser Light Show

I think this counts as experimental enough to share here. Last October I was on a business trip to Singapore. I had...

Wrapped in the Flag, Part 2

For the last few years, I have been photographing American flags (and derivatives) wherever I found them excluding...

Dinner is overrated when there are photo-op's

While spending a couple days at Diamond Lake (near Crater Lake, OR) my wife and I were waiting at the restaurant to be...