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The Best Ways to Improve Your Fall Photography

In the northern hemisphere, fall is upon us, and with that, some magical opportunities arise to take stunning images of all the resplendent fall colors. Learn some invaluable tips on how to take your fall photography to new levels.

When I first got into photography, "fall photography" was one of the most confusing terms I came across. I honestly had no idea what it meant because, in Australia, we don't say "fall", we say "autumn". So the term threw me at first. But it was also confusing due to the fact that in the southern suburbs of Sydney, where I grew up, there was no great change of colors in the trees nor the spectacular explosion of reds and yellows and oranges that you get elsewhere. It wasn't until I moved to Japan that I understood what all the fuss was about: the fall colors here are absolutely incredible, and when you pair them with temples and shrines, you can really get some stunning images. But what makes good fall photography?

That brings us to this great video by Mark Denney, in which he gives viewers over fifteen tips on how to improve your fall photography. The first thing I really liked about this video was that he doesn't require you to buy any new gear. One might assume that you need some specific filters for your lenses or the like, but Denney doesn't demand anything like that. And if you live in the US, he introduces you to the newly released 2022 foliage prediction map, which tells you exactly where and when fall foliage will be at its peak around the nation. Often you only get the kaleidoscopic blooms for a week or so, so knowing precisely when to go is vitally important. There are other great editing tips too, so give the video a look and let me know your thoughts below.

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Iain Stanley is an Associate Professor teaching photography and composition in Japan. Fstoppers is where he writes about photography. He's also a 5x Top Writer on Medium, where he writes about life in Japan and other things not related to photography. To view his writing on Medium, click the website link above.

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