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Battery-powered Wheels Now Possible on Inovativ Carts

Battery-powered Wheels Now Possible on Inovativ Carts

Make Your Cart Go has teamed up with Inovativ to make pushing carts around a little easier this summer.

The California-based cart accessory manufacturer Make Your Cart Go brings battery power to your cart’s wheels. They offer complete kits, in single and dual motor setups. Users can buy a battery from the company or use their own Gold Mount batteries. The systems were originally built for any cart that takes a standard 10" caster, like Yaeger and Backstage carts.

When I wrote about them earlier this year, I wondered why they hadn’t released wheels that were compatible with Inovativ’s carts. I originally figured that these powered wheels were better off on bigger carts, carrying lots of grip equipment. I’d rather push an Inovativ around than a fully loaded Super Duz cart.

However, Make Your Cart Go is creating a solution for just this. They’ve released a dovetail accessory that will adapt their current wheels to Invovativ’s Voyager Evo, Voyager NXT, and Apollo carts. The dovetail will retail for $140. This upgrade ought to make a workhorse out of an Inovativ cart. An Apollo cart can hold up to 1,200 lbs, so it’s no small feat getting this up a hill on location.

The dovetail attachment is currently available on their website right now. Make Your Cart Go will be at the Lemo and Inovativ booths at NAB this week if anybody wants to give a throttle-controlled cart a spin.

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Working in broadcasting and digital media, Stephen Kampff brings key advice to shoots and works hard to stay on top of what's going to be important to the industry.

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